Tuesday; March 4
Have you ever wondered why anxiety is so draining? I hope you have never had this experience, but those of us who deal with stress and anxiety often feel worn out. Being stressed is hard work – not physically, but emotionally. When we analyze the nature of anxiety, it is easy to see why it wears us out. First, anxious people have trouble turning off their brains. They are constantly thinking, rethinking and rethinking about their issues. Often, since there is typically no identifiable issue, you never get to the point of being able to figure out the problem. It is kind of like starting a race only to find out that there is no finish line. You head off in this direction, then there is a sign that the finish line has moved. Then, they change the length of the race. Then someone comes in behind you and strings the tape where you have already been. It’s like shooting at an imaginary target that they keep moving. (Sounds confusing, doesn’t it? Is it any wonder stress is exhausting?)
I don’t know that there is an answer for solving the problem of anxiety; however, I do believe that there is a way we can avoid some of our struggles with it. What if, rather than trying to solve an issue that hasn’t happened, we reserve our focus for dealing the things that are real and solvable? Let’s not invest our efforts in battling the shadows, let’s deal with real problems that have real solutions. Jesus challenges His disciples to do what they can, but also let go of things they can’t control by saying, “And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?” (Matthew 6:27). Before we invest an inordinate amount of energy in solving a problem, let’s ask ourselves if it is real. If not, let’s let it go until it becomes viable – and solvable.
Think About It!