Friday; July 15
One of the tasks associated with leadership is making sure the people we lead are doing what they are supposed to do. While most of us would acknowledge this responsibility, I wonder if we miss an important step or two in the process. Often, leaders make the assumption that the people we work with already know what they are supposed to do – but do they? Is it good leadership to automatically presume that the people know the expectations? When we do this, we are flirting with failure. For people to obey the rules, they need to know them, and it is irresponsible to have that expectation without making sure they have been exposed to what they should and shouldn’t do. Once people learn the rules, we have to make sure they understand them and can effectively apply them. (By the way, like any type of growth and development we can almost be certain that they won’t get them right from the beginning. Human development is filled with trials and failures – in fact, failure is often the be...