Wednesday; March 16
One of the things I like about the game of baseball is that is the only major sport without a game clock. The only way you can run out of time is when you run out of outs. The other team can’t “freeze” the ball and take away your opportunities, you have 27 outs no matter how long it takes to use them. I believe this is a great analogy for the way we should live our lives. We have all been given a chances to do something with our lives, so we shouldn’t waste them. We shouldn’t view life as merely marking time until something important happens, we should make the most of each and every opportunity we have been given. No one else can negate our influence by “running out the clock” on us – the use of our opportunities lies squarely on our shoulders. What are we doing with the opportunities we have been given? Let’s make the most of all of them so that we keep going – no matter how long it takes to get where we are going. Think About It...