Tuesday; March 17
One of the things that I like about where I live is the incredible beauty of the springtime. After a dreary winter season, the splashes of color as the plants come to life brighten my spirits. Whether it is the yellow of the daffodils, the scarlet of tulip magnolia trees or the pinks of the cherry blossoms, the world just springs to life as the weather warms. I realize that this is God’s natural cycle, but it seems like He has taken something that died at the end of the autumn and brought it back to life just for me to enjoy. The concept of a new chance at life is something that is alluded to in nature, but it is a reality in the spiritual world. When we alienate ourselves from God through sin, our lives are done. We enter into the dark, dismal reality that the end is near; however, there is hope. One of my favorite New Testament passages is, “ Therefore...