Thursday; March 25
It was on this day in 1954 that RCA manufactured its first color television set. According to the article I read, it was 12.5 inch screen and cost about $1000.00. While that might seem to be a useless bit of trivia for some of you, let me see if I can put this in perspective. I was nine years old when we got the first color television set at our house. Up to that point, even though SOME shows were broadcast in color our televisions displayed it in a mixture of black, white and grays. No, we weren’t the first or last family on our block to get a color television set (that got three channels); but when we finally got our 19 inch set, our entertainment options were greatly enhanced. One of the things that I remember most about the color televisions sets was the way it changed the perspectives of what we saw. The trimmings on the Orioles uniforms were orange and the Cardinals’ red birds really were red. Lucille Ball had flaming red hair and the country music stars’ Nudie suites we...