
Showing posts from April 14, 2024

Monday; April 15

In days gone by – before you could file your taxes online and the prevalence of do-it-yourself tax software – April 15 was a hard day. It seems like more people owed a balance than in today’s society, so there was a dread of having to file and an even greater fear of having to come up with several hundred dollars to pay the bill. People loved the springtime, but hated Tax Day! While things are not as difficult (nor are people as testy) as they used to be, I think there can be something special about April 15. Since it is a fiscal day of accountability, I believe it can also serve as a reminder that we get what we pay for. Now, I am not advocating that we develop a balance sheet that compares what we get for what we pay; I do think it can serve as a time of appreciation for the nation in which we live. All of us benefit from something our government provides so maybe it is a good day to be thankful for the time and place in which we live. I am sure things could be better, bu...