Wednesday; November 28
Even though my family has roots in West Virginia I had never really been there until last week. I had been to Harper’s Ferry (which is technically in West Virginia), but that’s as far as I’d gotten. First of all, I must admit that I was quite taken by the mountains in West Virginia. Having lived in the Rockies I was a bit of a “mountain snob”, but there are really neat vistas in the Appalachians. Now, having said this, there was one thing that I noticed – it felt like it took forever to get out of the state! I like driving, but it just seemed like I would never get home. With the tenuous winter weather, the small towns, switchbacks, narrow roads, fog and hilly driving I was flat beat when I got home. I was never really worried or scared that I couldn’t do it, it just wore me out. As I thought about my trip back from the Mounta...