Monday; January 7
When I look back at my life, one of the things I appreciate the most is what I have been given. While I would like to think that I am a self-made-man, the truth of the matter is that much of who am and what I have is because of the work of others. Much of our freedom of religion, our church heritage or our fiscal well-being was passed on to us through the hard work and insight of our predecessors. As I contemplate this, there are three things that come to mind: 1) First, I appreciate what I have been given . I wish I could go back in time and thank those who set such an incredible stage for me, but since that is impossible, I will just do my best to live with that gratitude in my heart. 2) Second, I need to stay humble . Sure, my abilities have influenced where I am and what I have been able to do, but it isn’t just about me. It is hard to be arrogant when we realize what others have done to set us on our successful...