Wednesday; July 12
A lot of us were raised with the idea that hard work and dedication was sure to produce success. In fact, if we fell upon hard times we felt like we would get out of them by working harder. Any challenge could be overcome by more intensity. If things were digressing the key to turning them around was applying more time and energy. Now, while that sounds logical, it may not be as accurate as we were led to believe. Now, before you take issue with my point, think about this. If your goal is a location to the north of you, no matter how far or fast you run to the west, you’ll never get to your destination. You can work harder and longer hours, but if you are heading the wrong direction, you are actually getting farther away from where you want to be. Sometimes the problem isn’t effort, it is direction. Do you feel like the old adage, “The harder I work, the behinder I get”? Could it be that it is time to take a breather and reassess our focus? Is our goal really the prize we hop...