
Showing posts from June 29, 2022

Thursday; June 30

Last Friday afternoon I was out with a group of people who were on a Prayer Walk through our local community. The event had been in the works for several weeks and was designed to get religious people from various spiritual perspectives to come together to pray for our community and our nation. Interestingly, this was shortly after the Supreme Court’s announcement on the abortion issue – and what was a Prayer Walk was perceived by some in the community as a protest march. I would imagine that the judicial decision might have been on the minds of some in the group – but their primary focus was on God’s intercession into our lives. As I reflected on the misinformation, I got to thinking about how often the world misunderstands the hearts and minds of Christians. They see a gathering of people and, rather than listening to the praise, they assume there is protest. They turn our words around to suit their agenda. They miss our point and are quick to point out what they perceive be ou...

Wednesday; June 29

In yesterday’s observation, I drew from some words of wisdom gathered in the 17th Century.  Today, I would like to take a trip even further back in time – to the era of the wisest man of his day, King Solomon.   The wise king was known for his proverbs, but the most impressive thing about them is that they rise to the level of the inspired Word of God.  They don’t just make sense, the Lord made them into Scripture. I was reading through some of Solomon’s writings the other day and found a gem, “The name of the Lord is strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10).  On first blush, this saying may appear to apply to a believer’s desire for physical protection during times of trial, but I wonder if there isn’t something more.  What happens when we rely on God’s power to preserve us in our day-to-day lives?  When we do the will of the Lord, our actions will always be honorable.  When we seek the high road people might critic...