Friday; August 20
I feel like I have been stricken with the Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde syndrome. At one part of the day I will visit with people who are suffering from some type of ailment and I will start to feel like I have the same things bothering me. Whether it is a sore throat, stuffy nose or just a general malaise – I got it, too. Then I will go to the gym and hang around with people who are working out and feeling good. They are excited about what they have been able to accomplish and are riding the high that comes with extra endorphins. I realize I may not look as good as they do or can run as far as they can, but I just feel better than I did before I got to the gym. Interestingly, in just a matter of a few minutes, I can be up or down depending on my perspective. One of the interesting things about being Jekyll or Hyde is that more often than not I am the one who chooses the persona I display. For me, it is less about actual physical health than it is about attitude. My focus determines my ...