Monday; August 16
Yesterday was one of those days. When Sunday morning rolls around, I want to have all my ducks in a row and leave few things to chance. While that is a noble desire, sometimes life just gets in the way. Due to things beyond our control, by the time it came time for worship, we had a lot of holes to fill. Some of those who were assigned to lead worship weren’t unavailable and the core group that typically guides us through our livestreaming wasn’t there. It could have been a disaster – but it wasn’t! Others stepped up and made it happen. As I reflected on what transpired, a couple of things came to mind. First, when you surround yourself with good people and good things are going to happen. We are blessed to have quality, capable people who are willing to volunteer to rise to the occasion. I am blessed to be a part of a group that has both aptitude and desire. Second, fretting is futile. Worrying about pulling something off perfectly is merely a recipe for disappointment. ...