Thursday; February 16
The other day I was reading a book by Andy Stanley that mentioned, “Fundamental Attribution Error”. I had never heard that phase before, but once I read its definition, I realized I had been around it all my life. Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) is defined as our tendency to attribute another person’s actions to their character or personality while attributing our own behavior to external circumstances – usually those outside our control. A common example of how this works is in tardiness. When others are late to a meeting, we attribute it to their inability to plan or their lack of concern for the time of others. However, when we are tardy, we are more than prepared to blame unusually heavy traffic or the fact that our boss wouldn’t let us go on time. In essence, we are willing to excuse our own behavior (there is a logical explanation), but when someone else does the same thing we are quick to find their character flaw. Its okay for me, but it is anathema for you to do the...