Wednesday; February 3
The other day, in a Bible Class, we discussed an interesting observation from the Apostle Peter. In a letter to the early Christians he blended two natures of God: Father and Judge. When he wrote, “If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth …” (I Peter 1:17) he began a discussion on the redemption of mankind, but I want to stop us and focus on the first part of his description of the pure and perfect God. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to be effective as both a judge and a father – especially when the one needing your attention was your own child? Most judges I know realize their limitations and would recuse themselves from the case. Even if they felt like they could be impartial, I am sure that the “system” would require them to step away. Yet, our Creator has the ability to love and judge at the same time. His wisdom transcends man’s and His ability to both f...