Monday; June 14
As I was driving to worship services Sunday morning, I heard a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that I had never heard before. The title of the song is “His Strength Is Perfect”, but it was this lyric in the song that really got my attention, “I can do all things through Christ who give me strength. But sometimes a I wonder what He can do through me.”. I was quite familiar with the scriptural reference, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13), but it was the commentary that struck me. It is easy for believers to feel the confidence we have through Jesus, but have we ever given much thought to the value we bring to His cause? We can overcome a lot with the power of Jesus, but are we living the type of lives that reflect His wonders out into the world? It is great to feel the comfort and confidence we have by being a part of Christ’s church, but let’s never overlook our need to be active and alive. Jesus has the power to make a difference inside us...