Friday; August 23
Last Sunday morning we began a discussion about prejudice in our Bible Class. The discussion was promoted by James’ teaching, “ My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism.” (James 2:1). While James’ initial teaching challenged the gap between the “haves” and “have-nots” I decided to deal with the issue we face in the United States – racial prejudice. I have been thinking about this struggle for a while and I don’t have a simple unilateral answer as to how we can overcome bigotry, but I have discovered how I can be more effective in discussing it. In the past when the topic has been brought up I have typically started out on the defensive. Someone will be describing their feelings or recounting their experiences and I find myself evaluating their stories through my experiences. As they are talking about what has happened to them, I process it through MY ...