Wednesday; August 21
Have you ever thought about why it is so important to speak the truth? I think we would all agree that there is moral aspect to telling the truth – after all, if God cannot lie, His children shouldn’t. Yet, while telling the truth is an act of righteousness, there is another element to it as well. You see, people will base their actions off of what we tell them. They will make decisions about how to interact with us based upon what we say. They might even decide on how they will proceed with their lives by what we tell them. So, if we lie to them, we are setting in motion a path that isn’t accurate. Trust built on lies is apt to fail. If someone starts out on a course based on misinformation, they are bound to end up somewhere they don’t expect to be. Lies aren’t nice – but they can have a catastrophic influence on people who believe them. Years ago, King David described those who can live in a relationship with God and incl...