Tuesday; February 20
One of the most interesting discussions among people who believe in Jesus surrounds the end of the world. There are several passages in the Bible that seem to describe some type of cataclysmic worldwide event. Interestingly, there are several interpretations of these passages: some believe these describe events in or around the 1st Century while others apply them to a future date. Some believe these events will happen in an instant while others teach that it will take centuries for the events to play out. There are some passages where believers seem to have come to a universal agreement, this is not one of them! We tend to create a lot of dissention when we discuss the “end of the world”; but I wonder if we aren’t missing an important, practical application. Interestingly, when Peter is adding information to this discussion he seems to stop and challenge his readers, “Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and g...