Thursday; November 29
What do we do when people make fun of our beliefs? Folks, I have to be honest that I don’t see a lot of the criticism the world seems to heap onto believers, but I am not going to belittle what others feel – and that leads us back to the original question. When people make fun of us (or even show bias against us) because of our faith, how do we react? Do we sulk and pout? Do we launch a social media rampage against them? Do we seek to get even (or even get ahead) by criticizing their beliefs? While these options are available to us, none of them seem to be a mature response! When many of the First Century Christians faced opposition because of their faith – is wasn’t merely people saying catty things about them, it also involved economic and physical abuse. So, if they were going to face hardships, what were they supposed to do? The New Testament o...