Thursday; July 6
Is it time to get back to the beginning? Most things we use regularly run pretty smoothly most of the time, but every so often the manufacturers recommend a restart. There are times this is necessary because of some type of update, but often it’s just necessary to clear out all of the junk that tends to gather in our devices and has the tendency to clog them up and make them inefficient. Good advice, right? Well, it’s also good advice when it comes to our lives as well! As we go through life we pick up bad habits, we get sidetracked by issues, we lose our focus; so every-once-in-a-while it is good to reset our lives. That brings us to the question, “How do we do it?”. The answer is to go back to the beginning. There are a lot of theories out there about how this world began, but for believers we have one focal point, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1). God started it all and if we are looking for a restart it must begin with Him. Everything...