Thursday; November 7
There comes a time when you stop being the idealist and become the establishment. I can’t tell you when it happens, but having lived through the last several decades I have made the transition. When I was younger, I felt like we had all kinds of new ideas and innovations … now, I live in fear of having what I believe to be the best way of doing things becoming extinct. I think it is natural for young people to advocate change and older people to resist it. In all honesty, I kind of believe this a natural part of the circle of life. As I was thinking about this the other day, I got to thinking about how the approach to work as changed in my lifetime. Not only has how we view our jobs evolved, so has how we perceive “work”. As I pondered this, I was lead to an observation by one of my favorite writers, Simon Sinek, who noted, “Work ethic is giving great effort to complete a task. Passion is giving great effort to advance a cause.”...