Monday; September 12
Most of us were able to share in a time of reflection yesterday, but how many of us realize that September 12 is the “National Day of Encouragement”? First of all, few of us probably even knew that the day existed – but even if we did, are we aware of what the day represents? What is a National Day of Encouragement? I realize this is a “made up day”, but I do believe it serves the purpose of making us aware of the value of inspiring one another. When we interact with people, we have one of three options: we can ignore them, we can drag them down or we can uplift them. In a world where we feel less likely to be in control of our situations, this is one area where we have total control. We get to make a choice as to whether we will actually interact with others – and if we do – are we willing to uplift them or are we going to take the easy round and criticizing their situation? The idea of encouraging encouragement is nothing unique to 21st Century America, in fact is has been ...