Thursday; February 13
Who is “that” person in your life? You know the one – the one you can’t seem to get along with … the one that, whenever you think about them, you grow angry or worried. While I would like to think that we have moved passed this in our lives, most of us still have a person (or two) we would consider our nemesis. Some might be considered full-fledged enemies, but many might just be a consistent thorn in our sides. Whether we dislike them or they just get under our skin, most of us have people who can ruin our mood just by thinking about them. Okay, now that we have described these folks, the big question is what are we going to do about them? I guess it is possible to constantly avoid them or maybe even move away from them, but that typically isn’t practical and may be a bit overkill … so how can we live with them around us? There are a variety of ways to deal with people we don’t get along with, but the New Testament has a novel way of approaching it –...