Friday; November 9
There is a philosophy in volunteerism which states that if you want something done, find a busy person and give the project to them. On the surface, this not only seems counter-intuitive but also counterproductive; yet, there is certain amount of truth in the process. Busy people will find a way to get things done. They are interested in being involved and invested in making things happen. Now, having said this, there is another truism I have noticed, the less I do the less energy I have. Again, that sounds backwards – wouldn’t it make more sense that rested people would be more capable of doing something? The problem is that the less I do the more comfortable I am doing less. Throughout my years I have been on both sides of the fence, but one thing I have noticed is that I am a lot more excited and involved when I am busiest. I may feel beat at the end of the day, but the invigoration I feel for what I am doing makes up for the...