
Showing posts from April 21, 2021

Thursday; April 22

If you have spent much time studying the Bible, it is quite possible that you have heard Abraham referred to as the “Father of Faith” (or maybe even the “Father of the Faithful”). Have you ever wondered why he was given that title? No, it wasn’t because he got everything right – rather, it is because he followed the Lord’s direction. There are several examples of his faith throughout his life, but to me, one of the most impressive occurs when Abraham (or, as he was known at that time, Abram) followed the Lord’s direction when he was told, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, the land which I will show you …” (Genesis 12:1). The Lord followed up with the blessings Abram and his descendants would receive, but it was contingent on his willingness to go. God didn’t give him a map, nor step by step instructions on how he would achieve his reward – he was told to go and the great patriarch went. He was convinced that God had something speci...