Thursday; August 10
The other day I came across an observation by Tony Evans who said, “The church has failed to be a positive influence for good in our nation and our world.”. As I sat and stared at that insight, a couple things came to mind. First, is it really “the church” that has been the negative influence or those who merely play church? Anyone can call themselves a Christian, but it is only those who truly follow the will of God who are part of His church. When people are Christians in name only, we should expect that the name of the church will be besmirched. Secondly, I tend to agree with Dr. Evans because we have allowed bad influences to ruin our good name. When people have done things in opposition to godliness, we have not generated a resounding public outcry that they do not represent the true church of God. Too often, to suit some non-biblical agenda, we have allowed ourselves to be too closely tied to those who do not share our true values. As we move forward, let’s not only protect the ...