
Showing posts from December 23, 2024

Tuesday; December 24

For some reason, I am one of those last minute shoppers.  I know I could go out and buy gifts anytime during the year, but there is something special to me about spending during the holiday season.  I have been known to wait until Christmas Eve to make my selections.  After reading the preceding confession I don’t know if it is procrastination rather than making the most of the season.  Either way, even though I tend to wait until the last minute, I usually accomplish what I set out to do.    We live in a time when planning and preparation are virtues, but we must keep in mind that the name of the game is accomplishing the goal even if we push it to the last minute.  Interestingly, this isn’t just true in holiday shopping, it can be just as important in other aspects of our lives.  Jesus told a parable about some day laborers that had been contracted for a particular wage.  Some of them worked all day for the pay, while others worked a signif...