Friday; August 2
There are a lot of reasons for being a part of a church. From the fellowship to the cooperation to the ability to teach and learn, Christians are blessed to be part of a faith community. Yet, there is a reason that doesn’t get discussed too often. Being a part of a church gives us a first-hand view of watching good people do good things! We live in a world that is so dark that it often overshadows the good being done all around us. By being a part of a church we get to know people who make a difference and we get to watch them do it. The good that is done by these righteous folks isn’t something we have to wait to see on the evening news or follow on some remote social media account, we get to see it first-hand day after day. Are you struggling with seeing the good in the world? The first thing we can do is become involved in the work of the church. The second is to make it a point to look for the acts of kindness being done all ...