Tuesday; June 25
Do you ever feel bad that you can’t help everyone? It seems that there are ample opportunities to help people in need – in fact, the reality of it is that it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the number of requests out there. One of the challenges of our modern society is that there is so much need on open display that we can quickly become discouraged about how “little” we are able to do. Have you ever passed someone asking for assistance and heard Jesus’ words, “… to the extent that you did not do it for one of the least of these, you did not do it for Me, either.” (Matthew 25:46). It is easy to get down about what we are doing even if we are being proactive in helping others! So, how can we overcome the guilt we feel about not helping everyone? I think the answer is found in being purposeful in helping people. Whether it is spending a regular amount of time with a particular opportunity or dedicating a certain amount of your money to helping those who are hurting, when we are act...