Monday; December 30
Have you given much thought to how we can evangelize our “godless” world? Typically, when believers look out into modern society, about all they see is how little faith there is out there. However, is that actually true? Would you be surprised to know that in a recent Pew Research project that about 90% of Americans believe in God or another higher power and over half of them believe in the God described in the Bible? Sure, looking at these figures, there is a lot of work to do, but in all honesty, we have a lot to work with. Taking modern numbers into account that is about 200 million people who believe in the God of the Bible just in the United States! If we consider those who believe in something, that number swells to over 300 million who might be considered religious. The reason I bring up these figures is a statement made by the Apostle Paul when he went to teach in Athens and walked into an area filled with idols and tribu...