
Showing posts from August 2, 2023

Thursday; August 3

Very few of the people I talk to indicate that they want to be discouraged by the events that surround them – but they are. I have heard more people in the last few years comment on how disheartened they are about what is going on around them. I have to admit that I am one of those people. Not long ago, I was thinking about something that was bugging me and I found myself about to go scout out to find some information that would support my negativity. I had conjured up in my mind a negative thought and was about to scour social media to confirm my thoughts. Then, I had a moment of clarity – why would I want to find something that supports a negative thought? Why not just let it pass and move on to something more positive. No, I shouldn’t necessarily ignore things that are blatantly inappropriate, but what’s the value of spending my valuable time trying to reenforce what I didn’t like in the first place? How does going out of my way digging into bad news help me maintain a good ...