Tuesday; July 4
Of all the holidays celebrated in the United States, the most uniquely ours is the Fourth of July. This mid-summer observance doesn’t just honor the date of a proclamation, it also symbolizes the principles upon which our nation stands. The day isn’t just about fireworks and fresh watermelon, it captures the heart of a moment that shocked the 18 th Century world and shaped the history of the last two centuries. Today is a neat day for the United States. Throughout today we will hear words like liberty, freedom, justice and equality. Even though these are incredible words, they are shallow without the meaning attached to them. It isn’t enough to stitch these words on a throw pillow or plaster them on a bumper sticker, we must understand the concepts and defend them in each element of our lives. Many people have fought and died for these principles and there are still a lot of people around our world who would be willing to give up all they have to ...