Friday; October 22
Since my college football teams don’t usually play the early games on Saturday afternoon, I haven’t been watching the national pregame shows lately. Last weekend, since my team was featured in one of the early games, I tuned in and what I saw was disturbing. No, it wasn’t the announcers this time, it was the fans’ display that dismayed me. The homemade signs that were shown behind the set were, at best a display of bad sportsmanship and, at worst, just out and out rude! I am familiar with good-spirited ribbing between fan bases; but it seems to have been elevated to a new level (or maybe I should say has deteriorated to a new low). After being discouraged by what I saw early in the day, I was completely dismayed by the behavior at a nationally televised game later that night in which the fans delayed the game and put people in jeopardy by throwing trash onto the field when a call didn’t go their way. I understand being a huge supporter of a team – and even disappointed when thin...