
Showing posts from July 21, 2022

Friday; July 22

Where are you going to be this weekend? A couple of years ago, many of us would have responded that we would be at home avoiding the spread of the virus. Not many months before that, many of would have said we’d be out traveling or, in some other way, enjoying the freedom of summertime. Either way – whether we were staying away from people or wading into the crowds – an interesting follow-up question might be, “Will you spend a part of your weekend attending a worship service?”. One of the great things about the freedom of being Americans is our ability to choose how and where to worship God, but one of the challenges of this freedom is that we can come to take it for granted. We know that we are free to do it, so it may not be as big of a deal to us than it might be some who live in areas where the practice of this privilege is precarious at best. So, that brings us back to today? What are you going to be doing this weekend? I hope that it will include some fun stuff, but I a...