
Showing posts from October 23, 2017

Tuesday; October 24

I have been a Texas Rangers fan for most of my adult life, but for the next several days I am going to be a vocal supporter of the other team from the Lone Star state.  Though the years I have watched as the Houston Astros have fielded some really bad teams – in fact, a few years ago I actually felt bad for the franchise – but, this year is different, it is something special.  As you look at the 2017 version of the Astros you don’t see a lot of long time, big name superstars, but you do see a bunch of good players willing to come together at this moment in their careers and make something happen.  As I thought about this year’s Astros team it got me to thinking about another rag-tag group of people who had some success.  Did you ever notice that Jesus didn’t have a lot of high-profile religious personalities amongst His closest disciples?  As He configured a team that would change the world, He found people who were willing to pull together and follow Him tow...