
Showing posts from February 6, 2023

Tuesday; February 7

What do you do when you have a close call with disaster? I believe there are one of two ways people react to brushes with calamity. The first is to be thankful that what could have happened didn’t happen. Whether we assign it to fate, good fortune or divine intervention, we appreciate the fact that somehow we avoided the negative impact of misfortune. While a hearty “Thank God” would be in order, even a “Whew, that was close, I am glad it wasn’t as bad as it could have been” can help us maintain a healthy attitude. Now, I mentioned there were two reactions – the other is to obsess about what might have happened even though it didn’t. We might play the worst case scenario of what almost befell us over and over in our minds. We might continually focus and refocus on what went wrong that took us to the precipice of disaster. When taken to the extreme, this can lead us to over-evaluating our failures that led up to the incident and preoccupying our minds with just how close we came...