Tuesday; August 25
Jesus was having one of those days. He had recently learned abut the death of His kinsman and co-laborer, John the Baptist. He had been inundated by crowds of people who came to hear Him and have Him heal the sick. He’d had to problem-solve and feed thousands of people with five loaves and two fish. But, His most impressive accomplishment was still to come. So, what did He do? He loaded His disciples in a boat and, “After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23). Then, He did the unimaginable – not only did He walk on water, He helped Peter stroll on the lake with Him! That’s a pretty full day! A lot of lessons have come from Matthew 14, but one that is often overlooked was Jesus’ need to spend some time in solitude and prayer. The Lord accomplished a lot, but He made sure to rejuvenate Himself to be ready for the next challenges in His life. We live in a noisy, busy time. We have convinced ourselves that we need to multitask. ...