Wednesday; March 6
One of the best known stories in the New Testament is often referred to as “The Temptation Of Jesus”. While there are only three of satan’s temptations listed in the text, we have a broader summary of the event when we are told, “ Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by the devil.” (Luke 4:1-2). Those who know the rest of the story remember that Jesus passed the test with flying colors, but have you ever given much thought to how He did it? I am sure there are several qualities that made Jesus sinless during this time, but here are three that stand out to me: 1. Jesus was aware of what was going on . Jesus knew that satan was trying to tempt Him, trying to derail His path to providing salvation to the world. Do we acknowledge that satan is out to get us just as he sought to get Jesus? To be successful, we better be aware of the devi...