Friday; July 8
I have recently started driving a different car. There are several things I like about it, but soon after I started driving it, I heard a strange sound as I was backing out of the driveway. I stopped and rolled down my window and realized it has one of those back-up beepers on it. Whenever put it in reverse it sends out a warning. At first I thought about disabling it – I didn’t want to sound like a garbage truck when I was backing out of parking space – but the more I got to thinking about it the more I liked it. When I set my preconceptions aside, I figured there was value in letting the people around me know when I am backing up. Even if I forget to look behind me, they have a chance to get out of my way and avoid being hurt. Backing into a pedestrian or bicyclist would make for a terrible day. Giving them a little extra warning could keep them and me from experiencing a tragedy! As I reflected on this, I got to wondering if applying an “early warning system” might be a go...