Thursday; December 23
What is your favorite Christmas present of all times? As I look back on my life, there have been some memorable ones: a junior-sized golf set when I was a child, my first .22 rifle (also as a youngster) and a fishing pole from my newlywed bride. Through the years, I have been blessed with a lot of great gifts, yet there is one thing that stands out more than “stuff”. When I reflect back on the previous Decembers of my life – and there have been lots of them – the thing that stands out are the people more than the gifts. Whether it is the memories of visiting both my mother’s and father’s family in Fort Pierce, Florida or spending time with good family friends on Pensacola Beach or eating Chinese Food on a ski trip in Red Lodge, Montana or stopping by on a Patrol Shift on Christmas Day to eat breakfast and open gifts with my wife and children, I have always been blessed by more than gifts, I have been surrounded by warm relationships. It is tempting to believe that we can wow th...