Friday; April 2
Why is it called “Good Friday”? From where I sit, I don’t see a whole lot of good in it. Jesus’ disciples had abandoned Him. The perceived leaders of His religion had rejected Him. People who just days before hailed Him as a Savior turned on Him. He was beaten, cursed, crucified and killed. He had to be placed in a temporary grave because His ministry seemed to have come to an abrupt end and He didn’t have the resources to pay for His own funeral. Is there anything good that can come out of that kind of a Friday? When we look at this day in the life of Jesus through the eyes of humanity, it is a stretch to find anything good in it, but when we see it through the lens of eternity it was a great day! Nothing can heal the hurt that humanity handed to the Lord and Savior, but what He did on that day turned our whole existence upside down. His willingness to become the Sacrifice for our sin brought hope to each and every one of us. Humanity was offered salvation because of what ...