Tuesday; June 5
The other day I walked by a container that proclaimed their business was home to the world’s best coffee. This claim got me to wondering – “Says who?”. Was there a competition based upon some empirical criteria that awarded the title? Did the International Coffee Consortium hold a summit and make this decision? Was there a worldwide vote to decide the outcome? No, I assume that someone decided to make this their advertising slogan, so they just started writing it on their stuff. Honestly, I haven’t had any of their coffee, so I can’t judge the beverage’s quality, but whether I liked it or not, does that make it the best? Many places have advertising slogans that are hyperboles at best, but may more likely be wishful thinking. I am okay with these types of claims because I don’t take them seriously. It is kind of like me wearing a “World’s Best Grampa” T-shirt – it sounds cool even if it isn’t the truth. I do have a problem; ...