Monday; October 23
The other morning, as I was brushing my teeth, I looked over and saw my trusty bathroom clock. Now, you might be wondering why this was such a powerful moment for me. You see, it wasn’t the time the clock showed it was the fact that the clock had been so consistent through the years. Years before the internet and wireless routers helped us keep the right time, atomic clocks with some connection to a super clock somewhere kept us on time. These clocks adjusted for time changes and kept us consistently on time. Now, back to my clock. The reason I noticed my clock was the fact that I really hadn’t had to notice it before. For the last couple of decades, it was there for me, keeping the right time whether I noticed its accuracy or not. Sure, I looked at it daily, but I didn’t, necessarily, appreciate its consistency. I never really had to adjust it and I can’t remember the last time I had to replace the battery. It had been with me through at least four moves and three separate t...