
Showing posts from September 12, 2017

Wednesday; September 13

The other day I came across an article written by a preacher by the name of Brandon Cox who recounted a time when he was challenged by someone who was convinced of the existence of multiple “conspiracies” ranging from economic collapse to some secret world leadership intent on decimating the human population.  After several minutes of being berated because he was not addressing the message of doom and gloom from the pulpit Brandon responded, “ Even if this were all true, I’d be completely comfortable preaching exactly what I just preached.”.  When I heard his response I wanted to jump up and down in applause for his answer!  What wonderful insight!  Throughout time mankind has been inundated with theories, postulations and conspiracies about who is up to what, but the truth of God’s Good News is still the same.  Mr. Cox explains that even if he believed in all these rumors and postulations, his message would still be the same:  “… the good news that Jesus ...