Tuesday; September 4
If there were an Emotional Olympic Games I would be able to participate in the decathlon, but if I were to have to narrow my expertise into two areas: “pouting” and “taking things personally”. I am a world-class pouter and have been known to mope around for days and weeks. Yet, if there is one thing at which I excel, it would probably be taking things personally. I am an expert at internalizing people’s comments, over-analyzing non-verbal signs and critiquing people’s general comments to the point that I am sure they are talking directly at me. I have a tendency to be thin-skinned and it has cost me way too much personal peace. When it comes to over-personalizing things, I know that I am doing it, I just need to do commit to being better. So with that, here are some suggestions (for me and maybe you can apply them, too): 1. Stop eavesdropping on people...