Wednesday; February 22
Have you ever thought to yourself, “You know, I should probably give to this cause; but what happens if I donate now and five years from now I need to the money?” Or maybe your internal conflict went more like this, “I should probably serve on that Board of Directors, but if I get a promotion at work in a few years I might not be able to give it the attention they deserve.”? Sound familiar? Most of us have this type of dissonance in our lives. We try to balance the opportunities we have “today” with what the future “might” hold. We are interested in doing what we can, but we want to plan for the future. Now, I am not advocating that we put our future at an extreme disadvantage by frivolous living today, but we need to remember that we don’t know what the future holds. When we are too wary of making the most of today because of what could happen in the future, we miss out on the only real opportunity we have. Not only is today the only thing we can accept for certain, the oppor...