Friday; April 15
Our society memorializes today as the worst day in the history of mankind. It transcends any war, it overshadows any attack, it surpasses any crisis. On the Friday of that Passover week in Jerusalem Jesus was tried, convicted and crucified. In one day, His life and His appeals were brought to an end by a corrupt system that cared more about perpetuating their status quo than discovering truth. A community that had supported Jesus a week earlier turned on Him and demanded His public execution. This is by far the darkest day in history! So why does a portion of the religious world call its worst day, “Good Friday”? I believe the answer to that question comes from the fact that God is so good He can make the best out of the worst! You see, God’s plan was not upended by the evil plans of mankind, it was fulfilled through His power. He took a sacrifice and made it into a salvation. He took the wrong and made it into righteousness. We do not worship a God who is overcome by evil...