
Showing posts from October 11, 2022

Wednesday; October 12

During our visit yesterday, I mentioned tipping and encouraged us to do what we can to financially help out our fellow man. While that was valid point, that really wasn’t where I wanted to end up, but I just ran out of room, so here is Part II. Just like tipping don’t really cost us much – and can pay tremendous benefits to the people who receive them – have you ever thought about how we approach compliments? For some of us, we act like a compliment is something that is in limited supply. We only have so many of them, so we had better save them for the people who really deserve them. We tend to hoard them and only share them with those who truly deserve them. Folks, that sounds silly doesn’t it? We all know compliments are like Lays potato chips … apply them freely, we’ll make more! In fact, the more we hand out compliments, the more likely we are to share more of them. When being complimentary becomes habit … when we see just how much joy it brings to others … we are more apt