Thursday; March 8
If you are looking for a fun way to ruin you day just go to an antique store. I hadn’t been to many antique stores until my daughter and her family took me to one last weekend. On one hand it was a fun walk back through time, but I quickly realized that many of the things that appealed to me were from MY lifetime. Things they called antiques were items I had played with or I had used. Wow – that was disheartening! There was a little bit of vindication though ... some of the vintage things in the store were items from our daughter and son-in-law’s eras. (I don’t know if that should make me feel better or cause us all to feel old.) I have nothing to complain about in my life. While there are still several things I would like to accomplish, I have been blessed to live as many years as I have. As soon as I think about fussing about growing old(er) I am reminded of many of my contemporaries who didn’t make it this far. I am thankful...