
Showing posts from February 23, 2023

Friday; February 24

Which authors do you read? What newspapers subscriptions do you have? From which network do you get your news? Which commentators do you rely on? I realize there are a lot of questions all stacked on top of each other, but I can probably answer them from almost all of us – we tend to navigate to the ones we like. We read and listen to the people we like, those who tend to think the way we think. More often than not, we aren’t as interested in learning something new as we are having the information we believe reinforced. Now, I know there are some people who are insightful and enjoy hearing from all different angles – but, honestly, I am not as open-minded as them. There is nothing wrong with liking what we like, but if that is what we choose, we need to remember there are just as many people on the other side as what we have on our side doing the same things as we are doing. For all the conservatism that I am getting, they are probably being exposed to a more liberal thought-p...